14 Most Common Questions by Parents
How much costs therapy?
Ranging from$2000 to $3000, the costs of the cranial remolding therapy typically include the orthosis (the helmet) and the required follow-up appointments for helmet adjustments. Costs can vary depending on the amount of check-ups that are included by your chosen orthotics facility.
How long does the therapy take?
Generally, therapy takes 4 - 6 months. It largely depends on at what age you start therapy. It is recommended to begin therapy at the age of 5 - 7 months old. At this age your child's head is growing rapidly, which increases the orthosis' efficiancy. Children older than 12 months normally require longer therapy, as the head growth slows down.
Can I start therapy at any age?
No. It's recommended to start therapy at 5 - 7 months old, as the therapy efficiancy drops once head growth slows down and the child's head bones ossify. Generally, therapy should be started no later than 14 months of age
Does my insurance cover the cost?
Cranial helmets are a covered benefit under many insurance plans. You can directly contact your insurance provider and ask whether cranial remolding therapy is covered. You can also contact your orthotics facility and askt them. The orthotics staff will then provide you with an estimate of your portion of the costs. Afterwards you can decide whether you want to do the therapy. Generally, the costs depends on several factors:
Medical Necessity:
Insurance companies typically consider the medical necessity of the treatment. If the child's condition is causing functional problems or has the potential to lead to developmental issues, insurance coverage might be more likely.
Specific Insurance Plan:
Different insurance plans have varying policies and coverage options. Some plans might consider cranial remolding therapy as a covered medical service, while others might categorize it as a cosmetic procedure and exclude coverage.
Pre-authorization: Some insurance plans might require pre-authorization before the therapy begins. This involves getting approval from the insurance company based on medical documentation that supports the need for the treatment.
Out-of-Pocket Costs:
Even if insurance covers a portion of the cost, there could still be out-of-pocket expenses, such as deductibles, co-payments, or co-insurance.
Provider Network:
Insurance coverage can also depend on whether you choose an in-network provider or an out-of-network provider. Some plans might have better coverage for services provided within their network.
State Laws:
In some states, there are laws that mandate insurance coverage for certain medical conditions, including cranial remolding therapy. These laws can vary, so it's important to be aware of your state's regulations.
Given the complexity of insurance coverage, it's recommended to contact your insurance provider directly to inquire about their specific policies regarding cranial remolding therapy. Additionally, the healthcare provider or orthotics facility offering the therapy might also be able to assist you in navigating the insurance process and providing the necessary documentation for pre-authorization if required.
How do I find an orthotics facility that offers the Krugener Cranial Orthosis?
Step 1:
Search for an orthotics facility in your area that you like and that offers cranial remolding therapy & has 3D scanning capabilities.
Step 2:
Ask them whether they provide cranial remolding therapy with the Krugener Cranial Orthosis.
Step 3:
If yes, great, you just found your orthotics facility.
If not, they can create an account on my website and order their first orthosis after they completed a training course. Any established orthotics facility is able to easily adopt the Krugener Cranial Orthosis into their product portfolio.
Does the orthosis start smelling badly?
Well .. somewhat. As I aspire to be a man of integrity I'm not pretending that the orthosis won't start developing some odor. However, the orthosis was specifically designed to be highly ventilated to improve hygiene and achieve lowest possible levels of odor development.
Will I have to buy several orthoses for my child?
No, the orthosis only needs to be purchased once. It's specifically designed to accomodate any child's therapy progress along the entire way. Ocassionally, minor pressure modifications will need to be done by your attending orthotician during the check-up appointments. These are achieved by removing or adding some padding on the inside of the orthosis.
How often do I need to do check-up appointments?
The Krugener Cranial Orthosis is specifically designed to require little manual check-ups. Generally, it is recommend to do 4 - 6 weekly check-ups with your attending orthotics facility. Your orthotics facility will create check-up 3D scans to evaluate the progress of your child's therapy. You will receive an easy to understand visualization of the therapy progress.
How many hours per day should my child wear the orthosis?
The orthosis should be worn for about 23 hours per day to ensure optimal effectiveness. I know this sounds a lot at first, but your child will not care. After all my years working with 3D printed cranial remolding orthoses I have yet to meet a single child that doesn't tolerate the orthosis. The orthosis should be removed before washing or bathing the child. It should also be removed, if you want to go baby swimming. Not because water damages the orthosis, but because the padding will soak up some water which might decrease hygiene. I recommend living your life as you normally would and simply remove the orthosis whenever you have direct water or extreme dirt contact.
Can I clean the orthosis?
Yes, you can & should clean the orthosis to increase hygiene and reduce unpleasant odor. Skin compatible hygiene / alcohol wipes are the ideal way to clean the orthosis' inner padding on a daily basis. It's also recommended to wash your childs head daily.
Does the orthosis negatively impact my child's activity & movement?
No. The orthosis by Krugener Cranio Craft is the lightest cranial remolding orthosis on the planet. Weighing only 110 - 130 grams your child won't notice or care about the orthosis after the initial habituation process. The locking mechanisms are specifically designed to not impede the child's head movement when lying down.
What if my child doesn't tolerate the orthosis?
They say never say never, but I have yet to experience a case where a child simply does not tolerate the orthosis. Usually, the child is a bit irritated during the first few days of the habitutation process and stops caring after the first few days.
Will my child achieve perfect head symmetry?
No. Cranial remolding therapy can not achieve perfect head symmetry. But in fact, noone has perfect head symmetry. Our goal is to significantly improve your child's head symmetry / shape to improve aesthetics & functionality in severe cases.
Can I take my child swimming or showering while wearing the orthosis?
While the orthosis is water proof and will not take any damages, it is recommended to take it off while swimming, bathing or showering. Direct water contact will cause the padding to soak up the water, which is specifically unpleasant when it comes to chlorine water.
User Manual for Parents
User Manual
- Your child should wear the cranial orthosis for 23 hours a day. However, it may take a few days for them to get used to it. Follow the schedule by gradually increasing the wear time. Do not rush, even if your child does not experience discomfort. The wearing plan has been developed to prevent skin issues and help your child adjust to the orthosis. The plan provides a safe way for adaptation to the orthosis. The fifth day is considered the day from which the child wears the orthosis for 23 hours.
- Explain the purpose of the orthosis to other caregivers and teach them how to appropriately use, wear, and remove the orthosis. Practice is essential for family, friends, caregivers, and anyone else taking care of your child.
- Do not use the orthosis if your child has a fever (temperature above 38 °C). With a raised temperature (up to 38 °C), the child may wear the orthosis, but you should regularly monitor their temperature. If the temperature rises, stop putting on the orthosis. Resume the regular schedule as soon as possible.
- Remove the orthosis during physiotherapy and put it back on as soon as possible afterwards.
- Remove and clean the orthosis daily during bathing. To clean the inner surface of the orthosis, use only a non-perfumed alcohol-based agent as other substances may harm your child's skin. Wipe the inner surface of the orthosis properly with a clean cloth, using an alcohol-based agent or an alcohol-based cleaner along with a new soft brush. Dry the orthosis. You can dry it using a low-temperature hairdryer. This also reduces the smell that sometimes occurs inside the orthosis.
- Wash your child's head daily to ensure hygiene. Put on the orthosis when both the head and orthosis are dry. For children with very sensitive scalps, a mild hypoallergenic or natural shampoo can be used. The orthosis should not get wet and should be removed during bathing or baby swimming. Put the orthosis back on when both the head and orthosis are dry.
- Do not apply baby powder, creams, or towels on your child's head under the orthosis. These products may contain fragrances or substances that can lead to skin irritations. Dress your child in suitable clothing to avoid excessive sweating.
- If your child requires a haircut during the treatment, do not shave their head completely. The contact of the head with the orthosis can cause irritation as the hair starts to grow. Try to maintain the same hair length throughout the treatment to avoid issues with the mold that can arise from increased or decreased hair volume.
- Always check the scalp after removing the orthosis. If you discover a red area that does not disappear within an hour of removing the orthosis, contact your orthopedist immediately. This might indicate that the orthosis needs adjustment. If there's skin damage, remove the orthosis and consult your orthopedist. The orthosis should not be used until the head has healed.
- After more than 48 hours without the orthosis, difficulties may arise when putting it on due to skull growth. Reduce periods without the orthosis and contact your orthopedist if you cannot put it on.
- Always check the locking mechanism and structural integrity of the orthosis before putting it on your child's head. Loose parts can be dangerous if inhaled or swallowed.
- When the orthosis is off, keep it in a clean and dry environment and away from pets.
- If you have questions or concerns regarding your child's care, contact your orthopedist. All issues should be resolved promptly.